Saturday, October 11, 2008

I saw John Wayne.

Our church was part of an outdoor event today, that included chuck wagon cooking, Long Horn rides, and a mechanical bull. Oh, and John Wayne preached. Really it was a John Wayne impersonator, but he had the Duke down, the walk and the talk. Dutch oven cobbler, fire cooked beans, and fajitas were on the menu. We rode, ate, sang, and glorified God. The John Wayne impersonator brought a wonderful message on salvation, and several were saved. All in all it was a God filled day. We are tired, and smell like smoke and Long Horns, they are so cute you can't help but love on them. Hopefully I will have pictures to upload in the next couple of days.

In the mean time please be praying for my Rusty. One of the musical guests, was quite interested in Rusty and has ask him to play with him in church in the morning. Music is Rusty's first love, and to play full time with a gospel group, is a long time dream.



About Nancy said...

John Wayne giving the plan of salvation. How need is that! I look forward to seeing the pics.

Abba's Girl said...

I saw your icon on Nancy's blog and wanted to stop by and say hello.

What a cool thing to see, John Wayne proclaim the Gospel.